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Easy India facts MCQ

 1.         In which direction of India is the Himalayas located?

             (A) East            (B) West            (C) North           (D) South

Answer: C

2.         Where is the Bay of Bengal?

             (A) In the east direction of India

             (B) In the West direction of India

             (C) In the north direction of India

             (D) In the South direction of India

Answer: A

3.         India is located in the

             (A) northern hemisphere        (B) Southern hemisphere

             (C) both and : (A) and (B)       (D) none of these

Answer: A


4.         Which country shares land boundaries with 7 countries?

             (A) China          (B) Australia           (C) India              (D) Africa

Answer: C


5.          Where does the Great Indian desert lie?

             (A) In the eastern part of India                  (B) In the western part of India

             (C) In the northern part of India                (D) In the southern part of India

Answer: B




6.         What lies to the south of northern plains of India?

             (A) Great Indian desert                (B) Peninsular plateau

             (C) Vindhyas                               (D) Western Ghats

Answer: B


7.          Where do the rivers Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri drain?

             (A) Western Ghats          (B) Lakshadweep           (C) Bay of Bengal         (D) None of these

Answer: C


8.          The Indian island in the Arabian sea is known as

             (A) Andaman and Nicobar Island          (B) Maldives

             (C) Lakshadweep                                   (D) None of these

Answer: C


9.         Which hills are located in Rajasthan?

              (A) Aravali hills              (B) Western Ghats      (C) Himalayas                 (D) All of these

Answer: A


10.        Number of states in India divided for administrative purpose is

             (A) 21                           (B) 23                           (C) 25                (D) 28

Answer: D


11.        How many Union Territories are there in India?

             (A) 4                              (B) 6                             (C) 7                         (D) 8

Answer: C


12.        Which is the National Capital of India?

             (A) Mumbai          (B) Kolkata             (C) Chennai                  (D) New Delhi

Answer: D


13.        The world’s highest peak is located in:

             (A) Great Himalaya or Himadri                          (B) Peninsular plateau

             (C) Western Ghats                                            (D) All of these

Answer:  A


14.        Which of the following country does not share the land boundary with India?

            (A) Afghanistan          (B) Myanmar           (C) Sri Lanka         (D) None of these

Answer:  C


15.        The capital of Manipur is:

             (A) Aizawl         (B) Kolkata                (C) Imphal                            (D) All of these

Answer:  A


16.         Lakshadweep islands are located in the:

              (A) Arabian Sea      (B) Bay of Bengal         (C) Indian Ocean          (D) None of these

Answer: A


17.        The Andaman and Nicobar islands lie to the south-east of the Indian mainland in the:

             (A) Arabian Sea       (B) Bay of Bengal          (C) Indian Ocean       (D) All of these

Answer: B


18.        In which part of India lays the Great Indian Desert?

             (A) Southern           (B) Western                     (C) Eastern            (D) All of these

Answer: B


19.        Sri Lanka is separated from India by the:

              (A) Isthmus            (B) Mountains             (C) Palk Strait            (D) None of these

Answer: C



20.        In the east of India is the

             (A) Arctic Ocean          (B) Pacific ocean

             (C) Arabian sea             (D) Bay of Bengal

Answer: D


21.       Which of the following States is a member of the ‘ Seven Sisters ‘

             (A) West Bengal        (B) Orissa     (C) Tripura               (D) Bihar

Answer: C


22.        Which is the standard meridian of India?

             (A) 82 x 1 / 2° W           (B) 82 x 1 / 2° N           (C) 82 x 1 / 2° E       (D) 82 x 1 / 2° S

Answer: C


23.        Which of the following states does not common boundaries with Pakistan

             (A) Punjab        (B) Gujarat            (C) Haryana         (D) Rajasthan

Answer: C


24.        The river which is called the Ganga of the south

             (A) Krishna            (B) Tapi                (C) Narmada          (D) Godavari

Answer: D


25.        Peninsular plateau is

             (A) Triangular in shape            (B) Circular shape     

             (C) Square in shape                 (D) Rectangular in shape

Answer: A


26.        Which of the following is not the sea which surrounds the India Peninsula

             (A) Pacific Ocean         (B) Indian Ocean

             (C) Arabian sea             (D) Bay of Bengal

Answer: A

27.        The northern most limit of India is

             (A) 73º2 N           (B) 37º 6′ N        (C) 45º4 N         (D) 67º3 N

Answer: B



28.        India is located in which continent?

              (A) Europe             (B) Africa                (C) Asia                 (D) Australia

Answer: C


29.        Himalaya means the abode of?

             (A) Snow       (B) Milk     (C) Water        (D) Gas

Answer: A


30.       In which direction the Himalyas is located of India?

            (A) East                        (B) West                       (C) North                      (D) South

ANS :   C

31.       Where is the Bay of Bengal?

            (A) In the east direction of India                         (B) In the west direction of India

            (C) In the north direction of India                       (D) In the south direction of India

ANS :  A


32.       India is located in the

            (A) northern hemisphere                                    (B) southern hemisphere

            (C) both (A) and (B)                                          (D) none of these

ANS :   A


33.       Which country that share land boundaries with 7 countries?

            (A) China                                                         (B) Australia

            (C) India                                                           (D) Africa

ANS :   C

34.       Where does the Great Indian desert lie?

            (A) In the eastern part of India                           (B) In the western part of India

            (C) In the northern part of India                          (D) In the southern part of India

ANS :   B


35.       What lies to the south of northern plains of India?

            (A) Great Indian desert                                      (B) Peninsular plateau

            (C) Vindhyas                                                    (D) Western Ghats

ANS :   B


36.       Where do the rivers Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri drain?

            (A) Western Ghats                                            (B) Lakshadweep

            (C) Bay of Bengal                                             (D) None of these

ANS :   C


37.       The Indian island in the Arabian sea is known as

            (A) Andaman and Nicobar Island                       (B) Maldives

            (C) Lakshadweep                                              (D) None of these

ANS :  C


38.       Which hills are located in Rajasthan?

            (A) Aravali hills                                                            (B) Western Ghats

            (C) Himalayas                                                   (D) All of these

ANS :   A


39.       Number of states in India divided for administrative purpose is

            (A) 21                           (B) 23                           (C) 25                           (D) 28

ANS :  D



40.       How many Union Territories are there in India?

            (A) 4                            (B) 6                            (C) 7                             (D) 8

ANS :  C


41.       What is the National Capital of India?

            (A) Mumbai                  (B) Kolkata                   (C) Chennai                  (D) New Delhi

ANS :  D

Easy India facts MCQ Easy India facts MCQ Reviewed by CREATIVE SCIENCES on September 24, 2023 Rating: 5

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